Results for 'Saied Reza Ameli'

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  1. The Global Media and Information Literacy Week: Moving Towards MIL Cities.Saied Reza Ameli & Alireza Salehi-Nejad - 2019 - Journal of Cyberspace Studies 3 (1):1--4.
    The Global Media and Information Literacy Week commemorates the progress in achieving “MIL for all” by aggregating various MIL-related local and international events and actions across different disciplines around the world.The MIL Global Week 2018, 24 to 31 October, was marked by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in collaboration with various organizations including the UN Alliance of Civilizations, the Global Alliance for Partnership on MIL, the International Federation of Library Associations, the International Association of School Libraries, and (...)
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  2. Creative Imagining as Practical Knowing: an Akbariyya Account.Reza Hadisi - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (2):181-204.
    I argue that practical knowledge can be understood as constituted by a kind of imagining. In particular, it is the knowledge of what I am doing when that knowledge is represented via extramental imagination. Two results follow. First, on this account, we can do justice both to the cognitive character and the practical character of practical knowledge. And second, we can identify a condition under which imagination becomes factive, and thus a source of ob-jective evidence. I develop this view by (...)
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  3. Kant’s Account of Epistemic Normativity.Reza Hadisi - 2024 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (3):576-610.
    According to a common interpretation, most explicitly defended by Onora O’Neill and Patricia Kitcher, Kant held that epistemic obligations normatively depend on moral obligations. That is, were a rational agent not bound by any moral obligation, then she would not be bound by any epistemic obligation either. By contrast, in this paper, I argue that, according to Kant, some epistemic obligations are normatively independent from moral obligations, and are indeed normatively absolute. This view, which I call epistemicism, has two parts. (...)
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  4. Ghazālī's Transformative Answer to Scepticism.Reza Hadisi - 2021 - Theoria 88 (1):109-142.
    In this paper, I offer a reconstruction of Ghazālī's encounter with scepticism in the Deliverance from Error. For Ghazālī, I argue, radical scepticism about the possibility of knowledge ensues from intellectualist assumptions about the nature of justification. On the reading that I will propose, Ghazālī holds that foundational knowledge can only be justified via actions that lead to transformative experiences.
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  5. Transformações do significado de conflito na "História de Florença" de Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):265-286.
    exam of the issue of conflict since the “History of Florence” provides us with elements capable to show the Machiavellian reflection does not evolve according to such a simple and linear way as it is shown in the “Discourses”. In fact, investigation will reveal that the opposition between the two types of conflict – positive conflict and negative conflict –, described in the “Discourses”, is progressively defined, from the analysis of Florentian history, as being just one type – the tragic (...)
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  6. Tusian Perfectionism.Reza Hadisi - forthcoming - The Journal of Ethics:1-23.
    I offer a reconstructive reading of Ṭūsī’s (1201-1274) account of natural goodness in the Naserian Ethics. I show that Ṭūsī’s version of Aristotelian ethics is especially well-suited to accommodate an intuition that is hard to integrate into a theory of natural goodness: human good is nobler or more elevated than animal and vegetative goods. To do this, I analyze Ṭūsī’s discussion of the relationship between different kinds of perfection from non-living material compounds to vegetative, animal, human, and divine beings. I (...)
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  7. On the Distinction of “Mind-Body” in Modern Philosophy of Mind and Sadraic Psychology.Reza Dargahifar - 2024 - Religious Anthropology 20 (50):27-48.
    It is reasoned that mind-body is a modern issue and is not ever discussed in ancient Greek philosophy or middle Ages. The current study has reviewed these reasoning and concluded that typical categorizations of mind-body issue must be divided into general and specific. Separating the issue of mind-body from the problem of mind-body underlines the multiplicity of issues. Proofs are, then, submitted that axial issue in Sadraic psychology is soul-body rather than mind-body. Thus, the solutions and ideas from the earlier (...)
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  8. Dashtaki on unified composition.Reza Dargahifar & Davood Hosseini - 2021 - Sophia Perennis 17 (38):121-147.
    Sayyid Sadr al-din Mohammad Dashtaki Shirazi is the inventor of the division of composition into unified composition and composition by join. With this division, Dashtaki has expressed a new theory about the composition of the material object from first matter and form, as well as the composition of man from soul and body, and considers these compositions as an alliance and unification, not simply the parts joining to each other. In this paper, we will present Dashtaki’s arguments on the theory (...)
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  9. Ghazālī's epistemology.Reza Hadisi - 2022 - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup, The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
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  10. Autonomy as Practical Understanding.Reza Hadisi - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11.
    In this paper, I offer a theory of autonomous agency that relies on the re-sources of a strongly cognitivist theory of intention and intentional action. On the proposed account, intentional action is a graded notion that is ex-plained via the agent’s degree of practical knowledge. In turn, autonomous agency is also a graded notion that is explained via the agent’s degree of practical understanding. The resulting theory can synthesize insights from both the hierarchical and the cognitivist theories of autonomy with (...)
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  11.  50
    Real Time Object Detection for Autonomous Driving.Manasa Madireddy Sai - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (8):1-15.
    One key aspect in the design of autonomous vehicles is the implementation of real-time object detection which includes identifying and classifying obstacles present in the environment of the vehicle . The system will also be able to capture live or recorded videos and accurately identify and classify the objects within the video streams in very active situations requiring low turnaround times so that the vehicle is able to make the necessary safe driving critical choices . more recent state of the (...)
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  12. خواجه نصيرالدين طوسي و سطوح سه‌گانۀ كلامي، فلسفي و عرفاني در انديشۀ او.Reza Dargahifar & Seyyed Yadollah Yazdanpanah - 2012 - Hekmat Erfani 1 (3):9-38.
    خواجه نصيرالدين طوسي در زمرة بزرگ‌ترين و پرنفوذترين عالمان مسلمان سدة هفتم هجري به شمار مي‌رود. بخش عمده‌اي آثار وي ناظر به آثار و آراء فخرالدين رازي و در دفاع از فلسفه و ارائة كلامي درست و متين تدوين شده است. خواجه علاوه بر كلام و فلسفه، آثار عرفاني نيز دارد. مشكل مطالة آثار وي اين است كه گاه وي در كلام به مطالبي معتقد شده و در فلسفه از آنها دست برداشته است. وي همچنين با پذيرش محوري‌ترين آموزة عرفان (...)
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  13. Cognitive Human and Social Sciences, What and Why?; four views examined.Reza Dargahifar - 2023 - Philosophy and Humanities 1 (1):53-82.
    Cognitive science, is the science of the mind and examines cognition, in all its scope, as a mental-brain process. Cognitive social sciences are resulted from the encounter, interaction and integration of social and cognitive sciences, and are hoped to deepen our understandings and explanations of the social phenomena. This paper will discuss four views about what this integration is and how it takes place, namely explanatory grounding, theoretical unification, constraints, and complementarity. some people have preferred explanatory grounding and constraints approach, (...)
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  14. حقايق اندماجي از ديدگاه عارفان مكتب ابن عربي.Reza Dargahifar & Seyyed Yadollah Yazdanpanah - 2014 - Hekmat Erfani 3 (1):5-22.
    حقايق اندماجي مقام ذات، حيثيات، احوال و صفات آن ذات بسيط اند. ازآنجا كه اين حقايق، تفصيل نيافته و تعينات ذات نيستند، در ذات مستهلك اند. حقايق اندماجي، كثرتي بالفعل را در ذات ايجاد نمي كنند و در غيب ذات، مخفي اند؛ يعني ظهور ندارند. اين حقايق، از جهت واحد بر ذات صادق اند، يعني حيثيات جهت واحد ذات هستند. عارفان مكتب ابن عربي، از واژگاني مانند استهلاك، اندماج، استجنان، اجمال، كمون و قوه، براي اشاره به اين حقايق استفاده كرده (...)
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  15. Sadr al-Din Dashtaki and Mulla Sadra Shirazi on Unified Composition.Reza Dargahifar & Davood Hosseini - 2023 - Sadrā’I Wisdom 11 (1):49-68.
    Sad al-Din Dashtaki, and following him, Mulla Sadra Shirazi maintains that all real compositions are unified. After a short review of Dashtaki’s thesis, we concentrate on Mulla Sadra’s version. Mulla Sadra believes that Dashtaki’s version is not coherent and he declines the existence of real parts. We will argue that Mulla Sadra’s objections do not work and furthermore, all things said and done there is no difference between these two versions of the thesis of unified composition. If there is any (...)
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  16. Tropism and Bradley’s Regress.Reza Dargahifar & Ahmad Lohrasbi - 2021 - Ma‘Rifat-I Falsafi 18 (3):111-121.
    Bradley proposes a regress according to which, any theory that considers external objects as a unit composed of multiple components is flawed. Since most tropists consider the concrete object to be composed of coexisting tropes, Bradley's sregress embraces tropism as well. Maureen is of the opinion that Bradley's view about the existence of a relationship is incorrect and that a relationship is something that has an existential dependence on its surroundings, and based on this, he has resolved the problems of (...)
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  17. ISLAM POLITIK, MISTIK, DAN KAPITALISME (Analisis Filosofis Pemikiran Tan Malaka).Reza Adeputra Tohis - 2024 - Jinsa: Jurnal Interdisiplin Sosiologi Agama 4 (1):13-23.
    Islam politik sejak peristiwa 11 September 2001 telah menjadi trend dalam wacana Islam kontemporer dan menjadi tema utama dalam ruang-ruang diskusi baik formal maupun informal. Tumpukan wacana Islam politik menyebabkan minimnya pemahaman atas historisitas yang panjang dari islamisme. Padahal dalam historisitas tersebut akan terlihat bahwa banyak pemikir-pemikir Muslim, selain Jamaluddin al-Afghani, Muhammad Abduh, Rasyid Ridha dan seterusnya, yang memikirkan tentang Islam politik. Salah satunya adalah Tan Malaka. Artikel ini mengkaji pemikiran Tan Malaka dalam konteks Islam politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode (...)
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  18. Hoàn thiện mô hình xếp hạng tín dụng cá nhân tại Ngân hàng TMCP Sài Gòn.Sài Gòn Ngân-Hàng - 2012 - Xếp Hạng Tín Dụng.
    Nghiên cứu để xây dựng chương trình phần mềm chung để cập nhật thông tin từ các TCTD, chi nhánh TCTD cho NHNN. Hiện nay, tuỳ theo việc áp dụng công nghệ của từng TCTD mà có nhiều chương trình báo cáo khác nhau nên chưa đảm bảo chuẩn chung và không đảm bảo an toàn chính xác đối với thông tin đầu vào.
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  19. Phonological change of vowel length in Farsi.Reza Heidarizadi - 2014 - SOCRATES 2 (JUNE 2014):50-55.
    Phonological change of vowel length in Farsi -/- Author / Authors : Reza Heidarizadi Page no. 50 - 55 Discipline : Persian Linguistics/language Script/language : Roman/English Category : Research paper Keywords: Farsi vowels, vowel length, Compensatory lengthening.
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    APP Based Solution for Rice Plant Disease Detection Using Squeeze-and-Excitation Enhanced Densenet.G. Venkata Sai Pranesh - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (6):1-15.
    Rice bowl, that is the name given to Telangana. In this region that has paddy fields spreading as far as one's eye can see, stands quietly above many farmers' livelihoods. In this regard, the paper puts forth a new mobile application that uses Kotlin and TensorFlow Lite to execute real-time detection for multiple rice diseases. Our model, based on an enhanced DenseNet architecture with the addition of SE blocks and depthwise separable convolutions, achieves an accuracy of 98.8%. The same, lightweight (...)
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    Developing Software to Translate other Texts and Resource Materials from English to other Indian Regional Languages.J. Sai Charan - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (1):1-10.
    In an increasingly interconnected world, language barriers continue to hinder effective communication across diverse populations. BharathLingo addresses this challenge by offering a user-friendly text translation platform specifically designed to facilitate translation between English and multiple Indian regional languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Bengali, Tamil, and more. Developed using Flask and powered by machine translation algorithms, BharathLingo allows users to input text manually or upload files for translation, delivering instant and accurate translations. The platform’s seamless interface and commitment to privacy make (...)
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  22. Mekanisme dan Karakteristik Sistem Kapitalisme(Analisis Filosofis Pemikiran Tan Malaka).Reza Adeputra Tohis - 2023 - Maqrizi: Journal of Economics and Islamic Economics 3 (1):56-67.
    Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian mengenai pemikiran Tan Malaka tentang mekanisme dan karakteristik sistem kapitalisme. Tan Malaka memiliki karya-karya yang membahas tetntang sistem ekonomi kapitalisme. Tan Malaka juga merupakan salah satu saksi hidup yang melihat dan megalami bagaimana perkembangan serta efek dari sistem ekonomi kapitalisme. Lebih dari itu Tan Malaka merupakan salah satu tokoh yang melawan kapitalisme sampai akhir hayatnya. Artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian filsafat dengan teknik analisis studi historis-faktual tokoh yang berfokus pada pemikiran salah seorang filsuf atau tokoh, (...)
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    A User-Friendly Web TA User-Friendly Web Tool for Waste Management and Awareness.M. Sai Varshini - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (6):1-15.
    Urban centers are grappling with significant challenges in managing domestic waste due to increasing population density and consumption patterns. Common issues include irregular waste collection, inadequate waste segregation, and limited recycling initiatives. These shortcomings often stem from insufficient communication between residents and waste management authorities, as well as a general lack of public awareness regarding proper waste disposal methods. This paper proposes a comprehensive web-based platform aimed at enhancing domestic waste management practices. The system allows users to schedule waste collection, (...)
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  24.  37
    Fitness App with Workout,_ Diet, and Motivation (11th edition).Guttula Manognya Bollampally Sai Kiran Reddy, - 2024 - International Journal of Advanced Research in Arts, Science, Engineering and Management 11 (1):3820-3824. Translated by Bollampally Sai Kiran Reddy.
    This paper presents the design and development of a Fitness App that integrates workout plans, dietary recommendations, and motivational features to help users maintain a healthy lifestyle. The app aims to provide users with personalized workout routines, meal plans, and motivational content to keep them engaged throughout their fitness journey. The goal is to create a comprehensive app that empowers users to take control of their health by providing them with the tools and resources they need to achieve their fitness (...)
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  25.  Epistemological Foundations of Hick’s Theory of Pluralism.Reza Akbari - 2004 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 2 (2):35-54.
    جان هیک با وام گرفتن از مفهوم «دیدن به عنوان...» ویتگنشتاین و تعمیم آن به کل تجربه‌های ادراکی و نیز وام‌گیری از تمایز کانتی میان نومن و فنومن میان «حقیقت فی نفسه» و «حقیقت عند المدرک» تمایز می‌نهد . حقیقت فی نفسه همان خداوند در عالم واقع است و حقیقت عند المدرک همان تصوری است که در هر دین از خداوند ارائه شده است. دوتمایز ذکر شده مهم‌ترین مبنای معرفت شناختی نظریه کثرت گرایانه هیک را در باب ادیان تشکیل می‌دهند. (...)
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    Online Integrated Platform for Projects Taken up by The Students of Various Universities/Colleges.T. Sai Priya - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (6):1-14.
    This research focuses on developing an online integrated platform designed to facilitate project collaboration among students from various universities and colleges. The platform aims to bridge the gap between students from different institutions, enabling them to work together on academic and research projects. The methodology involves designing an easy-to-use web interface that allows users to create, join, and manage projects. Key features include project tracking, communication tools, and resource sharing, all within a secure environment. The platform enables students from different (...)
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  27. A formação do conceito moderno de Estado: A contribuição de Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2011 - Discurso 41 (41):293-328.
    A formação do conceito moderno de Estado: A contribuição de Maquiavel.
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    Comprehensive Detection of Malware and Trojans in Power Sector Software: Safeguarding Against Cyber Threats.A. Sai Lochan - 2024 - International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Management Strategies 1 (11):1-14.
    The increasing reliance on digital technologies within the power sector has introduced considerable cybersecurity risks, especially from malware and trojans. These threats can disrupt essential operations, manipulate grid functions, and compromise the integrity of energy systems, thereby endangering both economic stability and national security. This research aims to create a detection framework tailored to the specific challenges of the power sector. The proposed framework utilizes advanced methods such as behaviour based anomaly detection, machine learning algorithms, and both static and dynamic (...)
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  29.  9
    Povo internamente dividido: plebe, seitas e partidos em Histórias Florentinas.José Luiz Ames - 2020 - Dissertatio 50:227-251.
    O lugar comum dos estudos sobre as Istorie Fiorentine sugere que nesta obra Maquiavel revelaria uma mudança radical em sua compreensão de povo em relação às obras anteriores. Enquanto em O Príncipe e em Discursos Maquiavel teria feito uma demarcação muito nítida em relação ao modo de agir de grandi e popolo, nas Istorie tanto grandes quanto povo seriam mostrados como agentes de dominação. Nosso propósito será o de avaliar até que ponto é sustentável a interpretação corrente segundo a qual (...)
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  30.  17
    A concepção maquiaveliana de necessidade política.José Luiz Ames - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (141):765-788.
    RESUMO Poucos conceitos na obra de Maquiavel se repetem com tanta insistência quanto o de necessità - e os termos correlatos como necessario, necessitato etc. - obrigando-nos a reconhecer nele uma categoria de especial significação. Trata-se, sem dúvida, de um conceito que, na obra do florentino, abarca um espectro muito amplo de sentidos diversos, que vão desde o mais usual ao mais teórico e político. O presente estudo procurará distinguir esses diferentes usos que Maquiavel faz do termo, particularmente nas obras (...)
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  31.  10
    Reflexões sobre a concepção maquiaveliana de Liberdade, sua corrupção e sua restauração.José Luiz Ames - 2020 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 10 (21):44.
    O que Maquiavel entende por liberdade, o que pode levar à sua degradação e como será possível restaurá-la? Esta é a pergunta que nos guiará nesta reflexão. Nossa hipótese é de que a liberdade, para Maquiavel, é resultado do movimento de resistência ativa do povo ao desejo de dominação dos grandes; ela é, pois, fruto da ação – da luta política - no espaço público e só existirá neste espaço enquanto persistir a resistência à dominação. Este desejo do povo de (...)
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  32.  48
    Teoria conflitual da política de Maquiavel: alternativa ao paradoxo moderno da relação entre poder constituinte e poder constituído?José Luiz Ames - 2018 - Discurso 48 (1):167-191.
    Maquiavel costuma não ser considerado nas reconstruções e debates teóricos acerca do problema da relação entre poder constituinte e poder constituído. Muito embora não seja um filósofo jurídico, buscaremos mostrar que sua teoria conflitual da política oferece uma contribuição singular para este paradoxo moderno ao considerar que a oposição dos humores de grandes e povo abre a possibilidade da coexistência dos momentos instituinte e instituído, isto é, dos momentos factual/político e normativo/jurídico. Nosso propósito será mostrar que, para Maquiavel, o povo (...)
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  33.  99
    HANTU-HANTU DEKONSTRUKSI: DARI DERRIDA KE MONKEY D. LUFFY.Reza Adeputra Tohis - 2023 - Bolaang Mongondow: PT. Bulandu Pustaka Mongondow.
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  34. ISLAM PROGRESIF TAN MALAKA.Reza Adeputra Tohis - 2023 - Yogyakarta: Sulur Pustaka.
    Buku ini mengeksplorasi gagasan Islam Tan Malaka yang kemudian dikarakterisasi sebagai pemikiran Islam Progresif dengan menggunakan teori sosiologi pengetahuan yang dirumuskan oleh Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckmann serta filsafat ilmu realisme kritis Roy Bhaskar sebagai pendekatan analisis. Hasilnya adalah konsep Madilog sebagai metode Islam Progresif yang melahirkan konsep tauhid sebagai landasan keberadaan keadilan sosial yang kemudian menjadi landasan bagi Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM), kesetaraan gender, pluralisme, dan kesatuan umat. Konsep-konsep tersebut saling berhubungan secara syaratual berdasarkan prinsip kausalitas dan hukum (...)
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    SENI BERFILSAFAT DI RUANG AKADEMIK.Reza Adeputra Tohis - 2024 - Bolaang Mongondow: PT. Bulandu Pustaka Mongondow, Bolaang Mongondow.
    Seni berfilsafat di ruang akademik memuat pengalaman penulis dalam berfilsafat dari UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta sebagai mahasiswa Pascasarjana Filsafat ke IAIN Manado sebagai Dosen Filsafat.
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  36. Liberdade e conflito: o confronto dos desejos como fundamento da ideia de liberdade em Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (119):179-196.
    O artigo parte da enunciação da tese de que ao desejo desmesurado dos grandes pela apropriação/dominação absoluta opõe-se um desejo não menos desmesurado e absoluto do povo de não sê-lo: dois desejos de natureza diferente que não são nem o desejo das mesmas coisas nem desejo de coisas diferentes, mas desejos cujo ato de desejar é diferente. Considerando que cada desejo visa sua efetividade absoluta, cada um tenta impor-se universalmente tornando-se duplamente absoluto: por um lado tende à dominação total (os (...)
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  37. Hick, pluralism and category mistake.Akbari Reza - 2009 - International Journal of Hekmat 1 (1):101-114.
    John Hick’s theory concerning plurality of religions is an ontologic pluralism according to which all religions are authentic ways for man to attain the "real an sich". Gods of religions are real as perceived and veridical hallucinations; while the “real an sich” has ineffable substantial and trans-categorical properties. Hick’s view suffers from several problems. As a second order analysis of religions, Hick’s view is not a correct one. To reject naturalism, it falls into an epistemological circle, where distinction between formal (...)
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  38. the Comparison Between two Religious Notions: Salih صالح in holy Quran and Tsaddiq (צד'ק) in Holy Psalms (مقایسه مفهوم صالح در قرآن با مفهوم صدیق (צד'ק) در مزامیر داوود علیه السلام).Akbari Reza & Mohsen Feyzbakhsh - 2013 - Religions and Mysticism 46 (1):1-17.
    There is a quotation in the Holly Quran from the book of Psalms in 21:105: “The righteous shall inherit the earth”. A similar sentence can be found in Psalm37:29: צַדִּיקִים יִֽירְשׁוּ־אָרֶץ וְיִשְׁכְּנוּ לָעַד עָלֶֽיהָ. A comparison between these verses would illustrate that “صالح” is the Quranic equivalent of the Hebrew word “צַדִּיקִ”. This equivalence would allow us to compare usages of “صالح” in Quran and “צַדִּיקִ” in the book of Psalms. This comparative study will show that: (a) on the one (...)
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  39. Religião e política no pensamento de Maquiavel.J. L. Ames - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 47 (113):51-72.
    For Machiavelli, religion is valued not by the importance of its founder, the content of its teachings, the truth of its dogmas or the significance of its rites. It is not the essence of what really matters but its function and importance for collective life. Religion teaches to recognize and respect political rules through the religious commandments. This collective norm could assume the outer coercive aspect of the military discipline as well as the inner persuasive character of civic and moral (...)
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    Povo E governo: Sobre a questão da participação popular em maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2019 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 24 (1).
    A tradição interpretativa de Maquiavel reconhece a centralidade do povo como ator político. No entanto, sobre a função que desempenha existe um amplo espectro de interpretações. Em um extremo estão aquelas que o concebem como ente passivo, sem iniciativa política autônoma. No outro, as que lhe conferem um papel ativo no governo da cidade. Muito embora o próprio Maquiavel fale do povo como animado por um “desejo negativo”, disso não resulta uma passividade popular. Neste trabalho mostraremos que o povo é (...)
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  41. Mind an hourglass at the bed of time-space continuum.Reza Assadi - manuscript
    In this paper a new model of mind is proposed, to do so, at first it was assumed that our physical world a new structure and the mind defined in this context. In this model, the planets are massive curvature of time-space continuum that has made a trapping physical reality that we are located within. Then the mind is defined as an hourglass structure with half bulb within the physical reality and half out of it. This model with attention to (...)
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  42. Natureza humana, dever moral e finalidade do Estado em Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2006 - Reflexão 31 (90):63-70.
    Partimos do estudo na noção de homem presente no pensamento de Maquiavel para estabelecer a idéia de Estado e sua relação com a ética. Existe, quanto a esta questão, uma vasta polêmica na tradição interpretativa e que podemos reduzir a duas perspectivas fundamentais. Primeira: Maquiavel compreende a natureza humana como corrompida de forma definitiva, o que transforma o Estado em instrumento puramente coator da malevolência humana. Nesta ótica, não há espaço para pensar em finalidades éticas do Estado. Segunda: mesmo partindo (...)
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  43. Political Philosophy of Illumination: An Analysis of Political Dimensions in Suhrawardi's Thought.Tohis Reza Adeputra - 2022 - Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 12 (2):151-163. Translated by Tohis Reza Adeputra.
    Suhrawardi is a renowned philosopher famous for his thoughts on the philosophy of Illumination. His thoughts are contained in his mangnum opus, The Wisdom of Al-Isryq (Hikmat Al-Isryq). This study aims to reveal the prominent aspect of various political dimensions in his work, whose primordial focus was on the aspects of the political system and the concept of power. The political system and the concept of power were then characterized as a political philosophy of Illumination. For this reason, this study (...)
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  44. Filsafat Ekonomi Aristoteles: Sebuah Kajian Ontologi Realisme Kritis.Tohis Reza Adeputra - 2021 - Maqrizi: Journal of Economics and Islamic Economics 1 (2):100-109.
    Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pemikiran Aristoteles mengenai ekonomi yang diletakan dalam bingkai filsafat. Sehingganya ini adalah penelitian filsafat, jelasnya filsafat ekonomi Aristoteles. Dikatakan demikian karena aspek utama yang hendak diungkap dalam pemikiran Aristoteles adalah syarat-syarat keberadaan ekonomi yang merupakan problem ontologis dalam filsafat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik studi historis-faktual mengenai tokoh. Serta menggunakan Ontologi realisme kritis sebagai pendekatan analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa syarat keberadaan ekonomi adalah kesetaran substratum. Karena hanya dengan adanya kesetaraan substratum, maka (...)
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  45. Islam Progresif dan Tan Malaka: Reposisi MADILOG Sebagai Metode Pemikiran Islam Progresif.Tohis Reza Adeputra - 2021 - Aqlam: Journal of Islam and Plurality 6 (2):84-105.
    Progressive Islam is a relatively new Islamic movement in the dynamics of the Contemporary Islamic movement. Progressive Islam places the domination of the social system of capitalism as its main problem. Progressive Islam aims to create change, which is pursued through the realization of its agenda, one of which is formulating a reality-based method of thinking. The problems and agenda of Progressive Islam parallel the problems and formulation of method of thought Tan Malaka. Tan Malaka has been against the social (...)
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  46. Harmony in Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Introduction.Chenyang Li, Sai Hang Kwok & Dascha Düring (eds.) - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    He (和), or harmony, has traditionally been a central concept in Chinese thought, and to this day continues to shape the way in which people in China and East Asia think about ethics and politics. Yet, there is no systematic and comprehensive introduction of harmony as has been variously articulated in different Chinese schools. This edited volume aims to fill this gap. The individual contributions elaborate the conceptions of harmony as these were exemplified in central Chinese schools of thought, including (...)
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    The Theological Metaphors of Marx, by Enrique Dussel. [REVIEW]Reza Adeputra Tohis - 2025 - Critical Research on Religion:288.
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  48. What is Ailing Africa? Practical Philosophy in Reinventing Africa, by Stephen Onyango Ouma. [REVIEW]Reza Adeputra Tohis - 2024 - Postcolonial Studies:1-2.
    Stephen Onyango Ouma, the author of this book, aims to explore and critique the impact of colonialism and neo-colonialism on Africa while offering practical philosophy to rebuild the continent’s identity and ethics. To achieve this, he employs a multidisciplinary methodology, including critical analysis, social construction and practical philosophy. The results of his analysis are presented in five sections.
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  49. Pemahaman Ideologi dan Gerakan Mahasiswa Gorontalo Abad XX (Studi Kasus Tahun 1990-2001).Tohis Reza Adeputra - 2013 - Dissertation, Gorontalo State University
    Reza Adeputera Tohis. NIM. 231 408 036. “Pemahaman Ideologi Dan Gerakan Mahasiswa Gorontalo Abad XX (Studi Kasus Tahun 1990-2001)” Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial. Univesitas Negeri Gorontalo. 2013. Di bawah bimbingan Bapak Drs Darwin Une, M.Pd. dan Bapak Drs. Surya Kobi M.Pd. -/- Penelitian ini dimaksud untuk dapat mengetahui proses terbentuknya pemahaman ideologi mahasiswa Gorontalo dan pola gerakan mahasiswa Gorontalo abad XX khususnya pada tahun 1990-2001. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Kualitatif-deskriptif. -/- Guna mendapatkan data mengenai masalah (...)
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    Sufi Women, Embodiment, and the ‘Self’: Gender in Islamic Ritual, by Jamila Rodrigues. [REVIEW]Reza Adeputra Tohis - 2024 - Hypatia:1-4.
    This book is an ethnographic study of the Sufi ritual practices and embodied experiences among the female members of the Naqshbandi community in Cape Town, South Africa. The specific Sufi ritual in question is hadra, often called the “Sacred Dance,” a religious gathering that combines bodily movement, the recitation of sacred texts, and music to achieve closeness to God. The book’s main argument is that hadra serves as a somatic platform for Sufi women to express their identity and piety, made (...)
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